In the 2017 AIB International audit, Direct Pack’s operations in Sun Valley, CA. received the highest rating – Superior – with a score of 950 points (95%), and 10 points over last year. The auditor was impressed with the Sun Valley manufacturing operations and stated he’s seen consistent and continuous improvement over the last couple of years. At Direct Pack we are committed to excellence and to ensuring that we meet the highest standards in all aspects of our business. We want all of our customers to feel secure in their decision to work with us and know that everything we do is done to the highest of standards. We extend our congratulations to all of the Sun Valley Operations and Production team members, as well as Quality assurance.
American Institute of Baking (AIB) is a pioneer and leader in food safety auditing and education. The AIB inspection is conducted according to the AIB International Consolidated Standards. The Standards consist of five categories for inspection, with each category being worth 200 points. A passing score is 700 and above. Facilities that score in the top 25% are awarded a Recognition of High Achievement – Superior. The five Categories for Inspection are:
- Operational Methods and Personnel Practices
- Maintenance for Food Safety
- Cleaning Practices
- Integrated Pest Management
- Adequacy of Prerequisite Programs and Food Safety Programs