Green Together is our proactive sustainability platform that aligns with both our values and our business strategy — positively impacting generations to come. In 2020, we re-vitalized our Green Together initiative across all departments and locations, and you can read about all the activities and achievements in our newly released sustainability report.
The success of our BOTTLEBOX® products continued during the pandemic year, and we doubled the use of post-consumer recycled PET in our products. This was in big part made possible by the acquisition of our own recycling and reclaiming facility, Direct Pack Recycling. We’re very excited about moving to this full circle process, where PET is an infinite resource that can be recycled again and again.
We are so proud of our teams for their tireless efforts to both serve our customers and partners in 2020, and work on a multitude of Green Together projects. Teams from all departments came up with and implemented a number of creative projects: everything from reducing paper and energy use to improving freight efficiencies and increasing educational activities. We continue to walk the talk every day, expanding successful projects in one location to other locations this year, as well as adding new ones to the list.